• Mae'r wefan hon ar gael yn y Gymraeg

My time at Data Cymru


Ieuan leaves us for pastures new after almost five years of working with us. We asked him to share his reflections on his time here and why pursuing a career in data is a smart move for any graduate.


Graduating from university is an exhilarating milestone, but it often comes with the daunting task of navigating the job market. I graduated with a degree in Welsh and Mathematics and explored many options. I was always a numbers person growing up and learned a lot of Excel skills during a brief stint with one of the Big 4, but felt it important to work for an organisation where the Welsh language was valued highly. I was fortunate enough to come across a position at Data Cymru.

Why Data Cymru?

After researching Data Cymru, I could immediately align with their mission to provide data services and insights for public sector organisations in Wales. They aim to improve public services through effective data use, and this resonated with me. I felt I could help make a difference to public services using data and numbers, whilst also growing in a professional data-driven environment.

First impressions and the pandemic


Joining Data Cymru straight out of university was both thrilling and nerve-wracking. I was excited to learn new skills in what I thought was an entry position that would allow me to grow steadily and learn about the world of data. However, six months after I joined, COVID struck and I was immediately thrown into the deep end.

COVID saw an immense appetite for accurate data from the general public. People would watch the news every evening, checking the latest case numbers in their area, hoping the numbers would decrease and we could wave goodbye to the end of the pandemic. This made Data Cymru’s role in collecting data vital

I was thrust in to daily data collections for the number of children of key workers still attending schools, the number of carers getting vaccinated, and the number of children receiving free school meals when school’s reopened. These collections allowed me to be a part of every step of the data collection process, from collection to publishing. I was proud to have some of the figures I collected used in one of the First Minister’s daily briefings.

Working on real projects


Working on data collections during the pandemic allowed me to learn many vital skills. I was then introduced to more technical skills and various tools and systems used by the team, and trusted to create dashboards and manage the rollout of a training programme.

No job comes without its challenges, and my role at Data Cymru was no exception. One of the biggest hurdles was mastering the specialised software and tools used by the organisation.

However, the culture at Data Cymru is one of continuous learning. The organisation offers numerous opportunities for professional development, from workshops to online courses. Whenever I encountered a challenge, there was always support available, whether from colleagues or external resources.

The collaborative nature of work at Data Cymru meant that I was never isolated in my tasks. Regular team meetings, brainstorming sessions, and feedback loops ensured that everyone’s input was valued, and the final output was a collective effort. This approach not only improved the quality of the work but also fostered a strong sense of community within the team.



Being entrusted by my colleagues to facilitate the rollout of a data training programme was a huge honour in my professional development. The training course, DataBasicCymru, helps beginners to data build their confident and increase their data fluency. During my time working on this project, we rolled out the training to 18 local authorities and Y Senedd, facilitating training to over 400 participants. Receiving excellent feedback from participants gave me so much satisfaction, as I believe that data is for everyone and people will rely more and more on accurate data in the future.

Looking ahead


As I prepare to leave Data Cymru and look to the future, I’m extremely excited about the possibilities ahead. I have an incredible opportunity with my new employers to use the skills I’ve learned and provide more data insights to public service. I know from experience that data makes a difference, and I encourage everyone to incorporate data into their work, whether as a career path or something that can add value in their work. The possibilities with data are endless, and providing data insights which allow others to make informed decisions can change the world!

Posted by
y Golygydd / the Editor