What is CCSR?
The Children’s Commissioning Support Resource (CCSR) (https://www.ccsr-wales.net) is a service aimed at supporting the process of finding appropriate care settings for looked after children in Wales. It is a successful joined-up collaborative initiative from the Children's Commissioning Consortium Cymru (4Cs), independent care providers and the Data Unit ~ Wales.
The service is provided by the Data Unit and is centred around a real-time database which allows users to match children with provision based on a profile of their requirements.
Why should I register?
The database holds details of care settings and vacancies from a range of service providers, including residential homes and foster carers. These are continually updated by care providers, ensuring that CCSR provides the most up-to-date information possible.
Placement teams and local authority commissioners can use the database to identify suitable placements for children in their care by entering details of the child’s requirements and running a search. In addition local authorities can issue placement referrals and conduct a tendering process, using CCSR to shortlist the providers who are relevant to the child’s needs. By using CCSR, providers increase the visibility of their offerings each time a child requires a placement.
CCSR provides the system, the database, targeted management information and a range of stakeholder support to allow local authorities in Wales to find the right placement at the right time for their looked after children.
How much will it cost?
The cost to register is £500(plus VAT) per year. For this, you’ll:
- be able to list your care offerings and facilities, so that they are included in the system and used to match your offerings to the needs of children across Wales;
- benefit from the provision of management information from the system which will show you how often your offerings are being viewed by those seeking placements; and
- also get support including training user guides, support around using the system, technical advice and be able to request additional users (if required).
If you have any questions about CCSR, and/or the registration process then please contact ccsrenquiries@dataunitwales.gov.uk or call 029 2090 9540, or visit our Frequently Asked Questions.
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