The aim of the online training resource tool is to allow housing practitioners who attended the training to revisit the relevant sections of the training course to consolidate their learning at a time convenient to themselves when they have collected the necessary data. It will allow them to adopt the methodology outlined in the WG guidance and also tailor it to suit local needs if required. The resource is also available to allow practitioners who did not attend the training to follow the methodology in a more cost-effective and sustainable way in the future than providing further ‘face to face’ training.
The LHMA online training resource provides a series of tutorial videos detailing the steps which are required to cover the methodology outlined in the WG guide. These can be found in the ‘tutorials’ section. The ‘materials’ section provides templates of blank Microsoft Excel spread sheets which can be used to replicate the steps.
Dependent on local circumstances, such as differences in the number of electoral wards within each local authority area, these templates may need to be customised accordingly. In this case, some modification to the formulas used in the tutorial videos will be required to ensure they refer to the correct cell numbers.
The ‘forum’ section allows practitioners to register with a discussion area to share expertise and advice.